You do not need to use CCMS and may complete the CIV APP 1: application for civil legal aid certificate form instead. You will also need to provide the relevant civil means assessment form.
Civil legal aid application forms
CIV APP 1 – the application for legal aid must be made using this form
CIV MEANS1 – should accompany the CIV APP 1 if your client does not receive a passported benefit. More information about making applications on behalf of prisoners is available in paragraph 9.4 of the Civil Means Assessment Guidance: Means Assessment Guidance (
CIV MEANS 1P – this supplementary form should be provided with the CIV MEANS 1 if your client is a prisoner. You will also need to provide the last 3 months’ Prisoner Income and Expenditure Statements (PIES) for any prison account held
CIV MEANS 2 – should accompany the CIV APP 1 if your client receives a passported benefit
CIV MEANS 4 – should accompany the CIV APP 1 if your client is under 16 years of age
All civil legal aid application forms are accessible via the following link:
CIV APP 1: application for civil legal aid certificate form
Page 1 Provide your client’s details
Page 2 Equal Opportunities and Disability information is optional
Page 3 Provide your contact details and information about previous legal aid received by your client
Page 4 Confirm client involvement and the proceedings within which your client requires representation. Tick ‘Full Representation’
Page 5 Provide information on your client’s prospects of success – see page 10 for more information on prospects of success
Page 6 Provide details of your estimated costs
Page 7 Provide the opponent and other interested parties’ details
Page 8 Provide details about suitability for Conditional Fee Agreements and Before the Event Insurance
Page 9 Provide details of alternatives to litigation
Page 10 Statement of Case. You may attach the statement of case as a separate document – see page 10 for more information on the statement of case
Page 11 Complete page 11 if you believe the case includes a ‘significant wider public interest’ or if you are contending the case has ‘overwhelming importance to the individual’ – Reference should be made to the Civil Legal Aid (Merits Criteria) Regulations 2013
Page 12 You do not have authorisation to grant funding under delegated functions
Page 17 Provide authorised litigator and client signatures
Email completed forms to