Linking Family Cases

Cases can be linked together in CCMS so that applications for clients being represented in the same proceedings are grouped together for assessment by the LAA.

Often multiple children are represented under Special Children Act proceedings, and other types of family proceedings.

Usually the application for the eldest child will be considered the lead case. The applications for younger siblings are considered associated applications.

It is best practice to complete and submit the application for the eldest child first. Making a note of the case reference number.

Begin creating the subsequent applications by clicking New Application. 

Remember to use the Copy Case function to save time.

Complete the client registration  pages to register the client in CCMS.

If you’ve used Copy Case the first five application sections will be marked as complete.

Click General Details to link this case.

If you are linking together an application for a child you will have already marked the client as vulnerable.

Make sure the preferred address box is marked Send to Provider Office.

Click Next.

Click Link an Application / Case.

When creating subsequent  applications, enter the case reference of the first application (eldest child) and click Search.

NOTE: If you have not submitted the first application (eldest child) the search will not return a result.

Check the application details are correct on screen and click Link Case.

The name and case reference of the lead case (eldest child) are displayed on screen.

Choose Family - Lead Case.

This identifies the existing case as the lead case and the subsequent case as an associated case.

Click Next.

NOTE: It is possible to carry out the linking in reverse if the cases are submitted in a different  order. You could submit all of the associated cases first, then when submitting the lead case, create a Family - Associated Case link with all of the already submitted associated cases.

Last modified: Thursday, 5 August 2021, 4:15 PM